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Former Washington, DC, school chancellor Kaya Henderson sat down with McKinsey to share her insights for improving enrollment and student outcomes in struggling K–12 public school systems.
By focusing on six key areas, banks can more accurately manage rising interest rates and credit spread risk across business lines, meet regulatory demands, and create competitive advantage.
Sharpen your problem-solving skills the McKinsey way, with our weekly crossword. Each puzzle is created with the McKinsey audience in mind, and includes a subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) business theme for you to find. Answers Read More..
What does purposeful growth look like in the retail sector? Two former Nike executives share the company’s secret formula for serving customers with its shift to digital, direct-to-consumer model, and sustainability.
A McKinsey survey of more than 1,900 medtech leaders shows that their customers want more omnichannel engagement. We describe five ways medtech companies can respond.
The post 双模 C-PHY/D-PHY:支持下一代 VR 显示器 appeared first on Mixel Inc | Mixed-Signal Excellence.
Cisco today delivered an update on its partnership with Microsoft originally announced at Microsoft Ignite 2022 in October. Furthering their joint vision of putting choice in the hands of customers by bringing Microsoft Teams to Read More..
"Designing for flexible chips is ... quite satisfying, like an intellectual puzzle. How can I optimise performance and remove unnecessary circuitry to achieve a design that’s elegant, simple and hits my target power envelope?" Richard Read More..
Emre Ozer, Pragmatic’s Senior Director, Processor Development, discusses the development of the world’s first e-nose sensor system on flexible substrate
NEW YORK; Mar. 27, 2023 – A new generation of over one billion digital native consumers are emerging in eight fast-growing countries in the next decade, creating new areas of growth for companies globally, found Read More..