
GSA, in collaboration with KPMG, surveys semiconductor executives from across geographies, company sizes, and industry segments to provide an annual Global Semiconductor Industry Outlook. Download the 2025 report to gain insight into financial, strategic, and operational trends, issues, and agenda items across the industry and ecosystem.

Key Findings

  • Challenges: Tariffs/Trade restrictions tied with talent risk as the biggest issues facing the industry over the next three years.

  • AI is the most important revenue driver: Artificial intelligence (AI), for the first time, ranked as the most important application driving semiconductor company revenue in the next year.

  • Key revenue drivers: Cloud/Data centers, wireless communications, and automotive ranked as the next most important revenue drivers.

  • GenAI priority: Implementing GenAI again ranked as a “Top 3” strategic priority for semiconductor companies.

  • Revenue growth outlook: Based on increasing global demand for semiconductor products, 92 percent project industry revenue will grow in the coming year, with one-third (36 percent) expecting growth of more than 10 percent.

  • Suppy vs. Demand: While 29 percent believe there is already an inventory surplus, a separate 25 percent think demand will match supply for the next four years due to emerging technologies.