Digital engagement now typifies the Medicare Advantage experience
Medicare participants are responding to beneficiaries’ rising expectations for an omnichannel experience by enhancing their digital capabilities and engagement offerings.
Medicare participants are responding to beneficiaries’ rising expectations for an omnichannel experience by enhancing their digital capabilities and engagement offerings.
Sheffield, England – 8 March, 2023. In order to speed up design times for customers, sureCore has launched a range of off-the-shelf, ultra-low power Read More..
STMicroelectronics’ STL120N10F8 N-channel 100V power MOSFETs combine extremely low gate-drain charge (QGD) and on-resistance RDS(on), giving 40% better figure of merit (FoM) than comparable Read More..
The new solution from the leader in storage management is designed to maximize flash lifespan, protect data integrity, and improve performance. Tuxera, the world-leading Read More..
As executive vice president and CEO of US businesses at Prudential, Caroline Feeney has found success by staying true to herself and helping others Read More..
Laboratory technology has been a steady runner in the world of pharmaceuticals, rather than a racing star—until now. A series of innovations points toward Read More..
(2023年3月3日,北京资讯)硅谷数模半导体公司(Analogix Semiconductor, Inc.)宣布推出一款支持USB4 v1.0, USB Type C R2.0和 USB-PD v3.1 (r1.0)标准的USB Type-C接口控制器芯片ANX7406。它集成了管理电缆连接和断开的逻辑、方向和角色的检测功能。OCM(片上微控制器)将有助于USB-PD v3.1的信息传递,从而实现快速充电、DisplayPort™(DP)交替模式(Alt模式)、Thunderbolt、USB 4和VDM等。 ANX7406支持符合TCPC的寄存器接口,利用I2C与上游EC、CPU或AP进行通信。ANX7406可以从单个灵活的3.3V 电源域起电,采用小型QFN封装。ANX7406集成SBU和CC线路的过压保护(OVP),当SBU/CC通过端口短路到VBUS时,这些信号能在内部被保护。ANX7406还集成了一个3:1 被动MUX,能够在AUX、SB和DBG到SBU线路间切换信号。ANX7406配备三个I2C端口和各种GPIO,包括特定IO,用于与系统内的其他组件交互。在ANX7406中还集成了一个USB Billboard(BB)设备,用于UFP替代模式应用。 硅谷数模半导体公司市场副总裁Michael Ching表示:“ ANX7406还内部集成了MOSFET为VCONN供电和控制外部VBUS负载开关所需的信号。可以将ANX7406配置为DFP、UFP或DRP,使其可以成为笔记本、台式机、二合一电脑等各类应用最理想的解决方案。“ ANX7406已开始量产并接受预定。您可以咨询我们的销售以便于获取更多细节信息。 ANX7406 Ordering Read More..
NEW YORK and VANCOUVER; Mar. 7, 2023 – Accenture (NYSE: ACN) has teamed with TELUS (NYSE: TU) in the development of TELUS’ next-generation entertainment and personalized digital life Read More..
NEW YORK; March 7, 2023 – Accenture (NYSE: ACN) will host a conference call at 8:00 a.m. EDT on Thursday, March 23, 2023 to Read More..
Sondrel (Holdings) plc (AIM: SND), a leading global semiconductor designer and supplier, delivering customised, ultra-complex ASIC chip solutions, has extended its multi-year, multi-million-dollar license Read More..