NEW SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM | Our WeChat account is officially LIVE! Follow us and get access to exclusive events, participate in online activities, view key reports and more!

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In parallel, GSA members are welcome to share company news, team activities or company executives interviews on our GSA official account.
For WeChat cooperation, please contact Larisa Li at WeChat: 50276528 | Email:

全球半导体联盟微信公众号 — ‘GSA全球半导体联盟’隆重上线啦!关注GSA的朋友们请扫描二维码关注我们的微信公众号哦。精彩活动播报、核心报告分享、还有在线抽奖小活动等您来参加!欢迎会员朋友们在GSA公众号上分享公司的重大新闻,团队活动或者管理层访谈。有关微信合作,敬请联络Larisa Li (微信公众号: 50276528,或邮箱