Dr. Chintay Shih
National Tsing Hua University
Dr. Chintay Shih received his Ph.D. in EE from Princeton University, M.S. in management from Stanford University, and his B.S. in EE from National Taiwan University. He joined ITRI in 1976, and became part of the original 40 person team that transferred the CMOS technology from RCA New Jersey to Taiwan. He spent 28 years at ITRI where he ran the Electronics Research Service Organization (ERSO) from 1984-89, served as the Executive Vice President of ITRI from 1989 – 94, and President from 1994 – 2003.
While at ITRI, Dr. Shih played key roles in the spin-off United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Vanguard Semiconductor (VIS), and Taiwan Mask Company (TMC). As President of ITRI, Dr. Shih established the open laboratory program to strengthen the collaboration ties between the Industry and ITRI. He also initiated the Advanced Research Program to excel ITRI as a world class research institute.
In 2004, Dr Shih joined National Tsing Hua University as the Dean of the College of Technology Management. He set up the first Institute of Service Science in Taiwan (2007).
Dr. Shih is a Fellow of IEEE. He has served as chairman of the Taiwan Semiconductor Association (1996-2000), Chairman of the Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Association (1997-2009), President of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (1998-2000), Chairman of the Chinese Society for Management of Technology (1995-2000), Chairman of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (1993-1995), Managing director of the Taiwan Electrical and Electronics Manufactures’ Association (1995-2000), Chairman of Taiwan and Global Monte jade Science & technology Association (2005-2009, 2010-2012) , and the Chairman of Institute for Information Industry (III)(2010-2012). Dr. Shih also served as a Technology Advisor to the Executive Yuan of the government of Taiwan and member of Economics advisory committee to the Vice President of Taiwan.
Dr. Shih is currently the Chair Professor of the College of Technology Management, National Tsinghua University.